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Accounts for Individuals

Available Account Options

Complete Account Management

An investment account completely directed by a dedicated, personal portfolio manager.

Ideal For: Investors who seek maximum professional management and input to build a low risk profile investment portfolio.

Personal Service Broker Account

An investment account whewre personal assistance is provided to help you set up your portfolio in line with your risk profile and objectives, but you have full discretion over your account. You will also be provided with private client traders to assist and guide you where needed.

Ideal For: Investors who self-manage their own portfolios, but prefer to act with the benefit of professional, up to date market guidance and assistance.

Online Trading Account

Execute your own trades and have complete control over your investment account through our online trading platform.

Ideal For: Experience investors only! If you want to trade on your own and do not require any market guideance when making decisions.

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